As of this writing, Grasshopper does not seems to have a way of setting the start and end value for the classic Number Slider.
The 2 videos below illustrate attempts at creating a number sliding system that only slide within a given range of value. Sliding within a given range of value is a good way to limit the sliding range to that corresponding to a list of numbers.
Rhino Grasshopper: Slider with a range (Method 1)
For this method, the general idea is to:
1. firstly deconstruction the list of numbers into its lower and upper value.
2. and then use the Maximum and Minimum Components to limit the range to correspond to these lower and upper values.
It is as illustrated in the video below.
Rhino Grasshopper: Slider with a range (Method 2)
Basically, for this method,
1. We get the range value of a list using the Bounds component
2. Using the Remap Number component, we remap this existing domain range to a new range. This new range is corresponding to the number slider has a range of 1 – 10.
This process is as illustrated in the video below.
Hope that this is helpful. If anybody has a better method, kindly response in the comments section.Thanks 🙂
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