Rhino 3D Organic Modelling (Sub-D) Course


Rhino 3D Organic Modelling (Sub-D) Course covers organic and freeform modelling via Rhinoceros (also known as Rhino 3D) software’s Sub-division modelling tools. This course is conducted by an Authorised Rhinoceros 3D Instructor.

The training material is designed and catered for Rhinoceros (Rhino 3D) Users seeking to create 3D organic forms for conceptual exploration as well as downstream purposes. It is geared mainly towards Creative Professional, Designers, Artists as well as Engineers seeking the freedom of creating freeform designs without the usual constraints typical of parametric 3D CAD programs.

Learning Outcomes:

Participant will be introduced to essential principles of Rhino Sub-D modeling.
Participant will be exposed to strategies and techniques for generating organic forms using Sub-D.

Participants will be introduced parametric Sub-D processes via Grasshopper 3D.


As a pre-requisite, Participants should have a proficiency in Rhino equivalent to Level 1.

Enquire and request for quotation

For Training Enquiries and Quotation, kindly contact our Partner at training@nosco.com.sg or call us at 97101546 (Singapore)